Human Rights Policy

At Trovicor, we develop innovative technological solutions designed to assist States in detecting, preventing and combating crime and terrorism, and helping to improve the lives of civilian populations around the world.

As a provider of computer surveillance tools, we recognize our responsibility to ensure that our products are used ethically and in such a manner to ensure respect for human rights. Trovicor is firmly committed to respecting and promoting human rights in all its business activities.

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  • Tools designed to contribute to the security of civilian populations

    Our products are not mass surveillance tools. They can only be used on a targeted and previously identified device, in the same manner as more traditional telephone interceptions used by law enforcement. Furthermore, our tools ‘capabilities are strictly limited to the visualization of certain data, in accordance with the applicable laws. We do not operate our products on behalf of our clients and, therefore, do not have access to the content generated by their use. It is technologically impossible for us to take control of the tool: we cannot add, modify, delete or otherwise manipulate in any way whatsoever any data on the targeted devices. Our role is stritctly limited to providing technical support and maintenance services. Our tools are only sold to be used by governmental agencies. Under no circumstances are they made available to private entities. We are very aware however, of the inevitable risks of misuse of our tools, and to this end, we continually seek to implement stricter procedures to minimize these risks. This includes the implementation of rigorous control mechanisms and close collaboration with our clients, with whom we work at establishing trust relationships by promoting universal values ​​of integrity, ethics and transparency.

  • Our Commitments

    Concerned with ensuring respect for human rights in our business activities, we are committed to ensuring that our tools are used in accordance with the standards set out in international human rights instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR, 1966) and the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs), we work to ensure that our operational policies are designed to identify, prevent and mitigate any potential or actual negative impact on human rights following the use of our products. Trovicor’s management fully supports this policy and is committed to allocating sufficient resources to ensure its effectiveness and to promoting internal initiatives that enable a continuous improvement process.

  • Training and Awareness Building

    We provide tailored training to our employees to raise awareness of the potential impacts of our activities on human rights. This training is designed to ensure that all the members of our organization understand and adhere to our commitments in this area. It also focuses on the risks inherent to each area of professional specialty and to each step of the design and marketing of our products. It is therefore essential to maintain a high level of diligence and accountability, both individually and collectively, within our company.

  • Experts Committee

    To bolster our commitments, we work with an independent entity that supports and advises us on issues relating to human rights. This committee assesses the risks and produces, on demand, analytical material on the human rights situation in the countries of implementation as well as in prospect countries. This analysis includes a legislative review, and a focus on the political context, identifying previous cases of misuse of similar technologies. Our business development considers the result of these analyses and may lead us to terminate contractual commitment(s) and/or put an end to ongoing negotiations relative to new prospect(s). The Committee also advises us in the strategy of identifying human rights violations risks at all levels of the company, from design to marketing.

  • Contractual Clauses

     We expect that our customers and business partners commit to respect human rights. Our contracts provide that the parties undertake to protect human rights and to ensure their respect through their supply chain. If the client is not the end user of the system, it undertakes to obtain such commitment from the end user, as a precondition for the release of such products and services. Our contracts also provide for their termination with immediate effect in the event of proven human rights violation by one of our clients, if they do not remedy the situation, within a specific period.

  • Whistleblower Mechanism

    We exercise a zero-tolerance practice towards acts of intimidation, violence, criminalization and discrimination against human rights defenders and whistleblowers in the context of our activities. We favor engaging in a transparent and constructive dialogue with stakeholders to enable building trust in our company. A whistleblowing mechanism is also being developed to enable affected stakeholders to bring any human rights concerns to the attention of management. Reports will be filed anonymously via our website, to ensure confidentiality and protection for whistleblowers. This mechanism aims to encourage transparency and ensure that any potential human rights violation can promptly be identified and addressed appropriately.

  • Trovicor is committed to operating ethically and responsibly. We truly believe that safety and human rights are not mutually exclusive, and we will continue to strengthen our policies and practices to ensure they are respected in all our activities and partnerships. By endorsing these principles, our objective is to create a positive and lasting impact in the communities we serve.